Home Client Management

Client Management

Add clients to your Foodzilla account, manage their nutrition, and more.
By Kim
8 articles

Adding Clients

You can add new clients by clicking on the "Add Client" button on the Clients page. After that, enter their email address and name. Make sure you enter the correct email address as it can't be changed later. 💡 You can also choose whether to send an email invite to your client with their login credentials or not. If you choose not to send them an email, we will send their login credentials to your email inbox instead. Body Measurements You can also enter their body measurements either in the metric system or the imperial system (US) by clicking on the toggle button as shown below. Health Goals You can also choose from common health goals or personalise them to your client's needs. For example, you can add this custom goal, "Take care of your skin". To do that, click on the Add Goals button, then click on Add Custom Goal, then type in your custom goal. Once you're done, click on "Create Account". That's it! Now the client is registered in our system and you can see their details, manage their nutrition and goals, and create meal plans for them. Your clients don't need to create an account in our mobile app anymore, they can directly log in with the same email used in this registration form and the temporary password that is in their email invite. Remember, if you choose not to send them an email invite, then their login credentials will be in your email inbox instead. Once they log in to the mobile app, their data will be synced to you. Meals and exercises logged using the app will show up in your dashboard almost instantly. Troubleshooting - If your client doesn't receive the email invitation, we always send you (their coach) a copy of their login credentials to your email. So look in your email inbox for an email with the title "Hey ClientName, let's get you setup" - If you are still having issues seeing your client details, try refreshing the browser by pressing the SHIFT key and clicking on the refresh button in your preferred browser. - Finally, if you're still experiencing issues, please send us a message describing the issue by clicking the green chat button on the right.

Last updated on Feb 28, 2024

Messaging Clients

If your clients are using the Foodzilla mobile app, then you can send them messages in real-time. Messages are private and safely stored in the cloud. Each message is encrypted in transit and at rest. Push notifications are sent to your clients' phones when you send them a message and they can preview the history of the conversation and reply to you instantly. Currently, messages are only sent to clients that use the Foodzilla mobile app through our built-in messenger. In the future, we may introduce sending messages as emails (for those who don't use the mobile app). Note: This feature is only available on the Professional Plan and above How to Send Messages To send a message, click on the "Messaging" tab and then click on your client's name. After that, type in the message in the text box and press "Send": ** Note that you can also send pictures, emojis, and links Enabling Web Notifications You can enable web notifications so that you're notified whenever your client sends you a message! Super useful so you respond promptly and never lose a message. There are two ways of enabling chat notifications: 1. Accepting the Notification Prompt To do this, accept the notifications prompt that shows up after you log in and open the messaging tab for the first time. If you missed it or just didn't allow it at the time, no worries, we've got another way to enable it using your browser as explained below. 2. Manually Enable It In Your Browser You can enable this manually by clicking on the lock icon in your browser and then clicking on Site Settings, then "Allow" the notifications permission: Once you allow the notifications permission in your browser, you will receive notifications whenever a client sends you a message. Here is the official support documentation for enabling notifications in different browsers: - Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3220216?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop - Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-nz/guide/safari/sfri40734/mac - Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/push-notifications-firefox - Edge: https://www.lifewire.com/manage-notifications-in-microsoft-edge-5104663 Enabling Email Notifications Email notifications are automatically sent when your client sends a message via our mobile app and the last communication between the two of you was > 10 minutes ago. The email does not have the message content and the client name will be truncated (only their first name is shown) for privacy reasons. Furthermore, this feature is only available on the Professional, Scale and Team plans. Here's a preview of what the email looks like: Let us know if you have any questions! Supported Browsers For Notifications Browser Support by Operating System Incognito Mode, Private Browsing Mode, and Guest Browser Mode do not support Web Push. Support by Browser Version Troubleshooting If you are not receiving web push notifications to your browser, we recommend you check the following: - You have enabled web notifications as shown above - You are using a supported browser for web notifications as shown in the table above - You have followed the above and still not getting notifications to your browser? This means you may have blocked notifications in the past so you need to reset your notifications settings. To do that on Chrome Desktop, click on the site settings in your location bar, then click on "Reset Permission", then reload the page. After that, navigate to the Messaging tab and the notification permission prompt will appear, click on Allow to enable the notifications but you still need one more step in the site settings in the location bar to enable the notifications and prevent chrome from blocking it (which happens because we've reset the notification permission earlier). - If you are not using Chrome on Desktop, you can follow the guide on this link.

Last updated on Feb 27, 2024

Create Notes & Share Files

Are you struggling to organise the notes of each client? Do you feel scattered with the disorganised notes across Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and physical notepads? Foodzilla is here to help! You can store the notes of each of your clients' details so they will never get lost. You can also upload files if necessary (max file size is 100MB). The notes and files are for you by default but you can share some of the notes with your clients if you wish. See the sharing notes section for more details. To add notes or files, select a client from the Clients page to see their details then click on More Options and choose Notes & Files... After that, click on the New Note button. Fill out the details then click the Save button. Only the "Title" field is required, the rest of the fields are optional. Note that you can also share these notes with your clients by clicking on the "Share with Client" switch. Now, you will be able to see your notes & files in your client's details. You can always edit or delete them by clicking the ・・・ button. Note: deleting a note also deletes the file associated with it. You can learn more about Foodzilla Client Management from here. Sharing Notes & Files Notes are only shared with your client if you specifically choose to share the note by clicking on the Share with Client switch to enable it. Once a note is shared, it will show up in the mobile app for clients. They can then view the note (and files associated with it) and edit it. Sharing notes is useful if you want to collect data from your clients as well as share specific files with your clients. For example, if you want them to add "their favourite foods" or "food intolerances" or "allergies" etc... Your clients can also create their private notes via our mobile app. If you have any questions or suggestions, click the "chat bubble" in the lower left-hand corner!). 💬

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

Mobile App Customisation for Clients

The Foodzilla mobile app can be highly customized to your client's needs. As their health coach, you can easily turn features on and off in the mobile app for your clients (both iOS and Android) and changes will be reflected in real time. You can also choose to customize the mobile app for all your clients or just for some clients. You can find a list of all the features that you can turn on/off at the end of this page. This feature is only available to customers on the Starter and Professional plans. Customizing For ALL Your Clients To get started, go to the App Experience tab. Now, you can click on the toggle next to each feature that you want to show or hide from the app for all your clients. There are only two states: Displayed and Hidden. Displayed means the feature is turned on and shown to the client. Hidden means the feature is turned off and hidden from the client. You can find out more about every feature by clicking on it (a preview of a before and after screenshots of the mobile app experience will be presented): Once you're happy with the changes, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page. Example Scenario Let's say you want to remove the "Nutrients" section from the app for all your clients. To do that, follow the steps above to get to the App Experience screen then just click on the toggle next to the Nutrients feature to change it to "Hidden": Customizing For a Specific Client To get started, go to the Clients page and click on your preferred client name. After that, click on the "App Customisation" button. Now, you can click on each feature that you want to show or hide from the app for your client. Note that you can find out more about every feature by clicking on it. A preview of before and after screenshots will be presented. Once you're happy with the changes, click on the Save button to save your changes. Note that client-specific customisations will always take preference over "all clients" customisations. Example Scenario Let's say you want to remove the Calories and Nutrients sections from the app for a specific client. To do that, follow the steps above to get to the App Customisation screen for your client then click on the toggle next to the Clients and Nutrients features and change it to "Hidden": Feature Toggle List These are the features you can turn on/off for your clients: - Calorie information on all screens - Foods and Ingredients tab - Water intake tracking - Food intake tracking - Energy out and exercise tracking - Ability to edit health goals such as Calorie intake, Energy expenditure, Goal Weight, Daily Steps, Fat/Carb/Protein/Fiber goals, Water intake, and Body Fat percentage - Recipes tab and search - Nutrient information on all screens - Chatting / Messaging - Meal plans tab - Enabling collaborative meal planning (clients can edit and create meal plans using your recipes) - Insights tab - Food & Ingredients Search - App connections screen to connect to fitness devices (Fitbit, Garmin, Polar, and others) - Support link - Health labels when adding and analysing meals Reach out to our support team if you have any questions or feedback by clicking on the green chat bubble.

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024