Adding Clients

Last updated on Feb 28, 2024

You can add new clients by clicking on the "Add Client" button on the Clients page.

After that, enter their email address and name. Make sure you enter the correct email address as it can't be changed later.

💡 You can also choose whether to send an email invite to your client with their login credentials or not. If you choose not to send them an email, we will send their login credentials to your email inbox instead.

Body Measurements

You can also enter their body measurements either in the metric system or the imperial system (US) by clicking on the toggle button as shown below.

Health Goals

You can also choose from common health goals or personalise them to your client's needs. For example, you can add this custom goal, "Take care of your skin". To do that, click on the Add Goals button, then click on Add Custom Goal, then type in your custom goal.

Once you're done, click on "Create Account".

That's it!

Now the client is registered in our system and you can see their details, manage their nutrition and goals, and create meal plans for them.

Your clients don't need to create an account in our mobile app anymore, they can directly log in with the same email used in this registration form and the temporary password that is in their email invite. Remember, if you choose not to send them an email invite, then their login credentials will be in your email inbox instead.

Once they log in to the mobile app, their data will be synced to you. Meals and exercises logged using the app will show up in your dashboard almost instantly.


  • If your client doesn't receive the email invitation, we always send you (their coach) a copy of their login credentials to your email. So look in your email inbox for an email with the title "Hey ClientName, let's get you setup"

  • If you are still having issues seeing your client details, try refreshing the browser by pressing the SHIFT key and clicking on the refresh button in your preferred browser.

  • Finally, if you're still experiencing issues, please send us a message describing the issue by clicking the green chat button on the right.