Home Recipes and Meal Plans Import Recipes using a CSV File

Import Recipes using a CSV File

Last updated on May 11, 2024

You can import hundreds of recipes into Foodzilla using a CSV file.

To start, download our CSV template file and fill in your recipe data following the format below.

Prepare the CSV file

The following table explains what each field does and the expected format in order to import recipes correctly. Title and Ingredients are the only required fields.

Please note that the nutrition information must be entered for a 100-gram measurement.

Field Name




The title of the recipe

Chicken Soup


The total number of calories for this recipe (measured in KCal).

Only enter a number.



The total number of servings



The total time needed to prepare and cook this recipe (measured in minutes).

Only enter a number.



The total weight of the recipe (measured in grams).

Only enter a number.



The total fat in this recipe (measured in grams).

Only enter a number.



The total sodium in this recipe (measured in milligrams).

Only enter a number.



The total protein in this recipe (measured in grams).

Only enter a number.



The total fiber in this recipe (measured in grams).

Only enter a number.



The total carbohydrates in this recipe (measured in grams).

Only enter a number.



The ingredients for this recipe. Each ingredient has 3 parts separated by spaces. The first part is the ingredient name (which can have spaces and other characters but not commas), the second part is the quantity and the third part is the unit. Must follow this format (multiple ingredients are separated by a comma) :

name quantity unit, name quantity unit...

🆗 Correct Example:
Green Apple 2 Servings, Cauliflower 1 Bunch, Chicken Breast (Grilled) 5.5 oz

This example is correct because the ingredient name comes first, followed by the quantity, and then the measurement/unit and the ingredients are separated by a comma. Notice that the ingredient name itself can also have spaces and other characters like brackets, only commas are not allowed in the ingredient name as they are used to separate multiple ingredients in the same line. The unit can be any word or value you want and does not have to be the full word (such as oz, g, and tbsp are also allowed).

🔴 Wrong Examples:
1 Green Apple, 1 Orange

This example is wrong because the quantity comes before the ingredient name.

Shredded chicken 50g

This example is also wrong because the quantity and the unit are not separated by a space. It should be Shredded chicken 50 g


The cooking directions for this recipe. Separate multiple directions by a new line.

Sauté the olive oil, garlic, and onion over medium heat in a large nonstick stockpot or Dutch oven.

Add the celery and fennel and sauté briefly, then add the tomatoes.


A list of diet labels for this recipe. Separate more than one label by a comma.

No Sugar, No Added Oil.


The name of the recipe author. If empty, your name will be used.

Jane Doe


The website link for this recipe. Can be your own website or the website you got the original recipe from. It must start with https://



The category or meal type that this recipe is suitable for. You can enter anything here or you can leave it empty.



Similar to DietLabels. Can be empty.



Cooking tips for this recipe. Can be empty.

You can swap Potato with Kumara.


A recipe description. Can be empty.

This recipe is easy to follow and full of nutrients that keep you balanced throughout the day.

Note: do not change the field names or add new ones.

Import Recipes

Once the data is ready to be imported, go to the Recipes tab and then click on the Import Recipes button. After that, upload the CSV file you prepared earlier and click "Import Recipes".

Once the recipes are imported, you will be notified with a popup to tell you how many recipes have been imported and that you can view them from Recipes -> My Recipes.

That's it, you can import hundreds of recipes this way in a matter of seconds. Contact our support team if you need help doing this.