Home Ingredients and Food Databases Searching Foods and Ingredients

Searching Foods and Ingredients

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

With Foodzilla, you can easily find ingredients from different food composition databases using our search box in the "Food Data" tab.

Available Databases

Food Composition Databases

We currently support the New Zealand food composition database provided by the Ministry of Health (last updated on the 1st of July 2019), the Australian food composition database, the United States food composition databases provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, FoodData Central, 2019, and the United Kingdom's food composition database provided by Public Health England.

Food Suppliers Databases

We currently support the Ceres Organics, Source Bulk Foods, Optifast, and GoodFor Whole Foods databases and more databases are coming soon.


You can search for ingredients in a specific database or all databases. For example, searching for beans will return results from the Australia(FSANZ) database.

In general, the US database is the most comprehensive database available right now. The NZ and AU databases will have NZ and AU-specific foods that are not common in the US for example.

Our search does exact and partial matches, so whatever you're trying to find does not have to start with the keyword you're typing. This makes it easy for you to find things.

Food / Ingredient Details

Once you find the item you're looking for, you can click it to view its nutrition data. You can adjust the serving size and the nutrition data will be re-calculated automatically.

If you're looking for an ingredient or a food that isn't in our database already, then you create a new ingredient. You can find more details on how to do it here.