Home Ingredients and Food Databases Create New Foods and Ingredients

Create New Foods and Ingredients

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

If you're looking for an ingredient or a food that isn't in our database already, then this tutorial will help you create a new ingredient and use it in a recipe.

  1. Click on the "Food Data" tab and then on "Create Food" at the top right corner.

  2. Fill in nutrition data and click "Create Food".

    You must provide data for the following fields in order to create a new ingredient:

  • Name

  • Total Energy

  • Total Protein (g)

  • Total Carbohydrates (g)

  • Total Fat (g)

Note: the data must be based on a 100 grams measurement.

If that's not the case, all nutrition calculations will be wrong when this ingredient is used in a recipe. So please, make sure all the values are based on a 100-gram measurement.

Where you can find your new food and ingredients

All new ingredients created are stored in a separate database collection accessible only to your team and clients.

New ingredients will be available in the "Food Data" tab as well as the "Create Recipes" page.

Food Data Page

Create Recipe Page

When adding ingredients to your custom recipe, select "your company name" (Foodzilla in the following sample image) from the ingredient database list and start searching for your new ingredient. Easy as.

For example, after creating a "chicken drums" ingredient/food, you can find it by searching in the Food Data tab and selecting "your company name" from the database list.