Home Recipes and Meal Plans Recipe Nutrition Data Source

Recipe Nutrition Data Source

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

We provide two recipe databases: Dietitian-Approved Recipes and Online Recipes.

Dietitian-Approved Recipes

The dietitian-approved recipes are created by our nutritionists using ingredients and foods from trusted food composition databases such as USDA (US), FSANZ (NZ/AU), and CoFID (UK).

You are allowed to use these recipes with your clients but you are not allowed to share them publicly to anyone on the internet.

Online Recipes

The online recipes database is collected from recipes available publicly all over the internet (over 1 million recipes). Each recipe has a link to the original author for more information and directions on how to cook it. We use our tools and a third-party service to collect and provide these recipes for you.

The nutrition information is calculated based on the ingredients and their amounts. The US food composition database (USDA) is used to calculate the total nutrition for each recipe.