Home Recipes and Meal Plans Import a Meal Plan from a Template

Import a Meal Plan from a Template

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

Meal Plan Templates allow you to quickly create meal plans for your clients and reuse them for a group of clients.

In this article, we will show you how you can import a meal plan from an existing template (either your template or using our template database).

Importing from Template Database

To import a meal plan from our template database, you need to go to the Meal Plans tab and select a client. After that, click on the "Import From Template" button.

Choosing a Template

  • Select the "Start date". This is the date when the meal plan will start for your client.

  • Click on the "Template Database" tab to see the available templates that you can choose from. Each meal plan has a name indicating how many calories per day, the number of days this plan is made for, and any food restrictions/requirements.

  • Choose a template by clicking on it. It will be highlighted in a green color border to indicate that it has been selected.

  • Click on the "Import Template" button to import the template as a meal plan for this client

Now you just need to wait a little bit while we generate the meal plan for your client. Once done, you will be redirected to the meal plan details page.

Importing From My Templates

If you already have created your templates, you can also import from them by following the same steps above in the "Choosing a Template" section. The only difference is that we will choose the "My Templates" tab instead of "Template Database".