Home Recipes and Meal Plans Create Custom Recipes

Create Custom Recipes

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

To get started, click on the Recipes tab and then click on "Create Custom Recipe".

After that, you will get to the main recipe creation interface which has two columns. On the left, you are able to upload a recipe photo, ideally what it looks like when cooked. Of course, you can also customize the preparation time, serving size, cooking instructions, ingredients, and quantities.

On the right, you can preview the total nutrition information for this recipe as you add more ingredients and/or adjust their quantities.

Adding Ingredients

To add ingredients, click on the "Add Ingredient" button and type the ingredient name you're looking for. You can choose any nutrition database that is available from the dropdown field on the right.

Type the name of the ingredient in the search field. Our search is almost instant and results appear as you type. Tap on the plus + icon to add the ingredient to your recipe. You can keep adding ingredients, once you're finished, click the "Done" button.

Editing Units and Quantities

The default ingredient measurement unit is grams. This value can be changed to other mass units such as ounces and pounds. However, many food items have more unit options such as cups, tablespoons, fruit, bunch, piece, and more.

Some ingredients have units known as "common measurements". These measurements are provided by the Ministry of Health (of each country) and represent the common amount for that ingredient in that country (measured in grams).

For example, one cooked omelet with cheese in New Zealand has a common measurement of 78 grams. This is useful because people don't normally measure how much the eggs weigh before cooking them.

Cooking Instructions

We highly recommend adding cooking steps when creating custom recipes and making them as clear and simple as possible.

To start adding cooking steps, click on the "Add Step" button. To remove a step, click on the trash can icon. You can add as many steps as you want and you can enter as much text as you want in each step.

If you would like to link to your recipes blog or a website, you can do so in the "Cooking steps website" field. This is an optional field and is not required to create a custom recipe.

Diet, Health, and Custom Labels

Adding health labels such as High Fiber, High Protein, and others are useful for your clients as a quick summary of what's good about their meal.

You can add diet labels by clicking on "Add Diet Labels" as well as health labels by clicking on "Add Health Labels". After that, choose the labels you want from the available list of labels as shown below.

You can also add your own labels by clicking "Custom Labels."

Once you're done customizing, click the "Create Recipe" button. Your new recipe will be available in the "My Recipes" tab. All the recipes you create are only available to you and your clients.


  • If you get a red banner when trying to create a recipe, contact the team through the green chat bubble and we will help you resolve any issue.

  • Avoid refreshing the page when you're creating a recipe as your changes will be lost!

  • Recipes you create are saved in the "My Recipes" section.

  • Once a recipe is created successfully, a green banner with a success message will appear.