Reset your password

Last updated on Feb 09, 2024

You can reset your password in 3 simple steps:

Step 1 - Go to the Login page and click "Forgot Password"

Step 2 - Enter your Foodzilla email address

Enter the same email address you use with your Foodzilla account and press "Send Password Reset Link". An email will be sent to you with the password reset link.

This link is time-sensitive and will expire after 30 minutes, so please make sure to check your email promptly after requesting the password reset link.

Step 3 - Open the link and set a new password

Once you receive the email, click on the "reset your password" link. Here's a screenshot of what the email will look like:

The link will redirect you to our website ( to create a new password. Choose your membership type and a new password then click on "Change Password".

Here's a screenshot of what the Reset Password form looks like:

Membership Types:

  • Mobile App User: choose this if you're a mobile app user and not a nutrition coach.

  • Nutritionist/Dietitian/Coach: choose this if you're a nutrition coach.

Finally once completed, you will be redirected to the login page where you can log in with your email and new password.

That's it, you made it, well done! Once you log in, you will see a refreshed look and a much faster platform.

☝️ Note: If multiple reset emails are sent to you, only the link in the most recent one will work. If you're having trouble finding that one, delete all the "password reset" emails from your inbox and follow the above steps one final time, and then click the link in that email!

As always, click on the green chat bubble at the bottom if you need any assistance with your account and our team will help you asap.